Thursday, June 7, 2012

Researching Future Cities- Rhiannon

Arcosanti Project: The purpose of this project is to create large, compact communities in a very limited amounted of space.  I feel that this type of environment will be sought after in the very near future. I admire the idea of this but, I’m not sure that I could peacefully coexist in such small headquarters.
 BEDZED Project: Bedzed’s goal is to design a normal community that is still eco-friendly. Unlike Arcosanti, it strives to give each home its own open space. This lifestyle is cheaper and more efficient than our current ones. I can definitely see myself living this way in the near future.
·         The skyscraper below was designed by T.R.Hamzah & Ken Yeang. Its structure is designed to water itself by catching the rain water. It walls are insulated by the local plants within it. It’s innovative and eco-friendly construction is what we should all begin aiming for.

·         The Johnston Design Group’s focus is on how to improve our future. They recognize that most people waste daily without ever thinking about the consequences. The buildings they aim for work with the environment to create a happy lifestyle, and are beautiful.  I would love to experience a place like this.

·         Iona  is a community that is focused on unity, self-reflection AND eco-friendly living. The community as a whole typically spends their free time experiencing the environment around them. The food is fresh and prepared together, and there is much respect for this simple way of life.

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