Friday, June 15, 2012

Drew- TOD


Rapidly growing traffic congestion nation-wide
Growing dislike for suburbia and fry-pit strip development
Growing desire for quality urban lifestyle
Growing desire for more walkable lifestyles away from traffic
Changes in family structures
Growing national support for Smart Growth
New focus of Federal policy

Traffic congestion has increased so much in virtually every metropolitan area that two-hour commutes now are routine.  Attempts to alleviate the problem by constructing more highways almost always have led to more sprawl and, eventually, more congestion.


Walkable design with pedestrian as the highest priority
Train station as prominent feature of town center
A regional node containing a mixture of uses in close proximity including office, residential, retail, and civic uses
High density, high-quality development within 10-minute walk circle surrounding train station
Collector support transit systems including trolleys, streetcars, light rail, and buses, etc.
Designed to include the easy use of bicycles, scooters, and rollerblades as daily support transportation systems
Reduced and managed parking inside 10-minute walk circle around town center / train station


Higher quality of life
Better places to live, work, and play
Greater mobility with ease of moving around
Increased transit ridership
Reduced traffic congestion and driving
Reduced car accidents and injuries
Reduced household spending on transportation, resulting in more affordable housing
Healthier lifestyle with more walking, and less stress
Higher, more stable property values
Increased foot traffic and customers for area businesses
Greatly reduced dependence on foreign oil
Greatly reduced pollution and environmental destruction
Reduced incentive to sprawl, increased incentive for compact development
Less expensive than building roads and sprawl
Enhanced ability to maintain economic competitiveness

Transit Oriented Development as an approach to combat traffic congestion and protect the environment has caught on all across the country.  The trick for real estate developers has always been identifying the hot transportation system.  Today, highways are out; urban transit systems are in.

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